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Using AMP to Amplify Internet Content Marketing in 2020

Joel McLaughlin
Here are seven things that will definitely help you overcome competition in organic search in 2020. Accelerated Mobile Pages is also included!

Guide To Adapt To Mobile SEO & Changes in 2020

Outline of the top 7 mobile SEO & effective content marketing strategies to amplify traffic in 2020! Brought to you by Dataflurry Digital Content Marketing Consultants, rated in DesignRush's Top 5 SEO Firms to Help you Adapt to SEO Changes in 2020!

1. Amplify Rankings with Speed

First and foremost, you need your website optimized! Especially if you heavily rely on content and organic search. What is AMP? Accelerated Mobile Pages give you the extra edge by reducing mobile load time. This page is an extreme example of accelerated mobile pages. Essentially, the Internet is moving fast and the future is moving towards fast info!

What are Accelerated Mobile Pages?

Simple! These are pages streamlined in coding and content to improve load time. Reducing vast amount of extra content, javascript, CSS and extra boat loads of data that comes from modern templates, speeding up your website load time dramatically. When you are competing for major search terms is when you see this making an added difference!

2. Mobile First Indexing

We consult & perform audits for successful companies. Many of them don't realize, they need to optimize their mobile pages aggressively. Your website rankings are based on mobile website design!  If you rely on desktop pages for SEO - it is a big mistake. Work immediately on mobile friendliness! Mobile friendly themes with responsive designs are key!

3. Quality Content! Content is King

When you develop content, you should target content that will likely deliver business (or traffic you need). Quality content is INCREDIBLY important.  Google's metrics, analytics & data analysis is getting to the point they can tell by user action whether users like your website content! So no more faking your way to the top for good terms!

4. KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid!

I have to tell myself this all the time, don't over complicate things! When optimizing content that appeals to search engines, ensure your landing page is simple with an easy call to action. Answer questions that potential customers may have. If they land on a sub page, do you answer all potential questions? Increase conversions on every page!

5. Fast & Responsive Designs

Your website should load fast. You can test mobile & desktop speed with Google Speed Insights. Your website should show beautifully on mobile and desktop. Sliders should transfer elegantly whether horizontal or vertical. Test your responsive design on iPad, Android Tablet, iPhone, Samsung Phone, several desktop resolutions, web browsers.

6. Conversion Tools, Sell Whenever Possible

Use convincing popups on your website to make appealing offers to visitors to gain a sale, or at least their contacts! You can offer free trials if you are a SaaS companies. If you're an attorney, offer a free consultation popup. If you're a website designer, you could offer a discounted design mock up. Use your ingenuity & find what works!

7. Increase Click Thru Rates Organically

You need to optimize your title and meta description tags! Figure out the best title tag that has best click thru rate in 160 characters. Get a better click thru than your competition! This will raise rankings! Your meta description needs to have keywords, but more importantly - sell someone on a click! We spend so much time to rank & not to get clicks.

8. Email Marketing, Push Notifications, SMS & More

Going into 2020, you will want to gain a communication channel with potential customers in anyway possible! Push notifications & SMS marketing are in infancy. Use them before they lose their worth! Companies that succeed build a large customer email list, and capitalize long term while improving their sales ability. This is HUGE!

9. The Fundamentals Matter! Keep Going

The basic fundamentals you have been doing still matter. Maintain and improve on them!
  • Quality Content (competitive terms need pages with around 1900 words)
  • Link Building (quality & relevant inbound links). Obtain links from websites that have relevant rank & authority. Ex. lawyers could get links from Bar Associations.

10. Link Saturation! Learn it and Live it

Link saturation is one of the most powerful (and easy) methods of link building. This is obtaining links from pages pointing to you as well as other authority websites. So you are saturated around outbound powerful and relevant links. A doctor should have blog posts pointing to themselves, WebMD, Mayo Clinic & Wikipedia on 1 page!

Conclusion. Succeed in 2020 Creatively!

We hope this content helped you understand areas to improve upon in content marketing, SEO & utilizing tools like AMP (accelerated mobile pages). Your digital content marketing strategy will destroy the competition if you're diligent and stick to what works!

Thanks again, Joel McLaughlin - Dataflurry