The Undeniable Power of Visuals in Content Marketing

Attractive, easy-to-understand visuals are proving to be a powerful tool for content marketers to increase user engagement rates.
Sonali Pimpale
Last Updated: Sep 7, 2020
A Trip Back in Time!
Pedal back to the prehistoric ages for a moment. Long before verbal and written communication took form, how do you suppose mankind communicated with one another? With pictures, of course! The cave paintings found all over the world today attest to the eloquent form of silent communication devised by our forefathers.
Back to the Future!
Today, communication has come a long way from cave paintings, but the importance of visuals has not diminished in the slightest. Since time immemorial, humans have been drawn towards visuals not only because of their beauty, but also because they are easier to understand and remember than mere words. And we love anything that makes our life easier, don’t we?
Imagery is Everything
Whenever you see a great post on the Internet, what do you remember better? The image, or the text that accompanies it? Visual content is processed 60,000 times faster by human brain than textual content. Consequently, visuals trigger a stronger reaction in humans than any other type of content.
A Trump Card for Marketers
Content marketers have caught on to humans’ love for visuals and have long since started incorporating visuals in their marketing strategy. Visuals tell a compelling story that connects with audiences’ emotions and gives a personality to the brand, enabling them to forge a trusting relationship with the brand.
Visual Content: The Key to Better Conversions
Visual content gets higher engagement than plain text content, leading to increased conversion rates. Content with images receives 94% more views, and is shared more than content without any images. With character limits to consider on social media platforms, backing your content with visuals lets you convey your message effectively in lesser words.
Scope for Variety in Imagery
An additional perk of visual content is that you get a wide variety of it to impress your audience. Along with images and photos, you can tap the power of creative infographics, image quotes, videos, memes, screenshots, statistical representations of data and much more to engage your audience effectively.
The Rise of Vlogs
Short videos are a particular favorite among social media enthusiasts as they can be watched on the go. Videos help build trust with clients and are a great way to increase time-on-site. Websites that have videos are 53 times more likely to show up first in Google searches.
Serve a Visual Feast!
To extract maximum engagement from your visual content, use strong visuals and bright colored images as much as possible. Design a creative logo and include the logo colors wherever possible to reinforce brand image. Create fun and informative infographics to represent statistical data. However, while focusing on creating better visuals, do not overlook your content.
On the Stories Front
Compelling content and eye-catching visuals always go hand in hand; and Google’s Web Stories is a content format that combines the power of both visuals and text. With nugget-sized text and striking visuals, these Instagram-like Stories are meant to keep the readers enthralled. These are search engine friendly and shareable on multiple social platforms.
Creating Visual Stories
Since images and videos can easily be incorporated in Web Stories, they are a sure ticket to increase user engagement and search engine rankings in the near future. It's time you embrace this visual trend that's here to stay. Now, even you can create a visual story within minutes using the Web Story Builder by Visual Stories.

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